Osiris - studentinformatiesysteem (SIS) hoger onderwijs
Osiris is het Student Informatie Systeem (SIS) voor het Hoger Onderwijs. Osiris is geschikt voor het Bachelor/Master model, Minors, Individueel studiecontract. Deelsystemen zijn aanmelding, studievolg, student, docent, begeleider, enz.
Londen | London
Birkbeck, UoL
Birkbeck, university of london is a world-class research and teaching institution, a vibrant centre of academic excellence and london's only specialist provider of evening higher education.
Goldsmiths, UoL
Contact details for departments and offices at goldsmiths, university of london.
Institute of Education, UoL
100 years of excellence in education, teacher training, educational research, postgraduate and in-service courses, consultancy, new ideas in policy and practice.
King's College London, UoL
King's is one of the oldest and largest colleges of the university of london with 13,800 undergraduate students and some 5,300 postgraduates in nine schools of study.
London Business Scool, UoL
London business school is consistently ranked as one of the top business schools in the world. the school graduates over 800 mbas, executive mbas, masters in finance, sloan fellows and phds, as well as serving over 5,000 executives and 60 corporate clients on its executive education programmes every year.
Queen Mary, UoL
Queen mary, university of london is an established university in london's vibrant east end committed to high-quality teaching and research.
The Central School of Speech and Drama
Cssd is a government funded higher education college providing courses in
art, acting, circus, design, performance, drama education,technical theatre and dramatherapy in london uk
Agro Paris Tech
L'institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l'environnement, agroparistech, et son école interne, l'engref, forment des ingénieurs (...)
Ecole Centrale d'Electronique
Ecole d'ingénieurs à paris (ecole d'ingenieur), en informatique, électronique, systèmes émbarqués, télécoms et réseaux, multimédia. cycle préparatoire intégré (prépa intégrée), et cycle ingénieur. l'ece est accessible en admissions post-bac sur concours, et à bac+1, bac+2, bac+3 et bac+4. le group ece propose également des mastères spécialisés.
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Recherche.univ-paris3.fr: actualités, le conseil scientifique, la recherche, la formation doctorale, vie scientifique de l'université sorbonne nouvelle, paris 3.
Universiteiten NL
Onderstaade universiteiten zijn aangesloten bij de Vereniging van Universiteiten VSNU.